We have you added to the email list. Before you go, 2 things to do so you get the important information about the Rally.

(1) Can you please check you got the first email and it is not stuck in your spam folder.

The first email you should have just been sent automatically should look like this:

It’s important that you get these emails from us as they contain important information about the Rally in the lead up the event

If you can’t find it:

  1. Please check your spam.
  2. If it’s not in your spam, re-enter your email here in case there was a typo https://tinnyrally.com.au/november-2025-tinny-rally-post-payment-details/ Then check for the email again.
  3. If that still does not work, then email me

(2) Join the Facebook Group for the Rally Entrants here:
