If bringing a larger horsepower and/or bigger and/or fibreglass boat be aware:
- Occasionally (once every 20 years) the water level gets low – for example just 100mm of water in sections and we may have to float/drag boats across some shallow sandbanks. This is harder in a bigger and heavier boat. You could possibly dig a small channel to get through. You can check in with me closer to the rally to check on water levels.
- If the water level is low, but tinnys can still get through there is no refund available. Hence bringing a bigger boat is at your own risk
- Fibreglass boats: Occasionally the Murray has floating or submerged logs in it, last rally one team hit a log and sustained minor motor damage (they were able to continue). Hitting a log would likely cause more damage in a fibreglass boat.
- You are asked to limit your speed to 60khph on the rally for safety and insurance reasons
- Remember everyone else is travelling in less comfort and speed, don’t look too smug if you blast past them at speed
- We encourage bigger and more powerful boats to travel at the back for two reasons 1) not to travel all the days distance in just one hour and be at the pub when everyone else is doing three hours on the water, and 2) be available to provided assistance to the smaller boats if they need it.
- It will be more of a hassle docking and tying it up when we get to the towns as space on the pontoons is limited in town
- There is no fuel available on the river, you walk jerry cans to the servo, if you are bringing a bigger boat will use more fuel keep this in mind